Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I messed up...
My job was to be the motherly figure to Jared from day one. He was sleeping in his own room within days and loved it – I know he felt like a big boy… Jared was broke from the bottle in no time… he didn’t really have a choice. We expected a lot from him. Jared and I were carrying on conversations before he was 22 mo. And was potty-trained before his second birthday!
After having Gracee, Jared was my helper he has progressed into being quite the little man. Jared asked for tools this Christmas rather then toys and loves to work in the shop with his dad instead of watch cartoons and play in the house.
Gracee turned me into that mom… I pushed her out, nursed her, changed the majority of her diapers, broke her from the bottle, feed and bathe her; I have seen her grow since newborn to now 20 months old and she thought she was running the show. Never the case with Jared…. I now realize that is because he was never my baby he has always been my little boy.
Long story short I am proud of both of my kids. They are my everything and I am so blessed to be able to work from home and watch them learn and grow each day. It is hard to believe Jared is already four-in-a-half years old! But the reason for this story is because I messed up…
We share a room with Gracee and I have always put her to sleep in my bed then moved her into her own bed… well when she started getting her molar’s she would wake up in the middle of the night and cry until I rocked her to sleep or put her in bed with us. A BIG NO NO! Jessy would get kicked out of bed and move to the couch and no one would sleep well ~ Until I put my foot down and decided to move her bed into Jared’s room and start putting her to sleep in her own bed.
The technique – 12:30pm NAP and 8:15pm go into the bed room, close the door, tell her what I expect, and then look at the lava lamp that is on the dresser (with her out of site) and each time she gets out of bed and throws a fit… say nothing and put her back into bed. The first day was rough but after 32 times I won! I felt like a champ I had a headache from all that screaming but it was worth it! Day two a little better 25 times (at both nap and bedtime) Day three nap 15 times and then bedtime 0… it was a success! She just went right to sleep never even tried to get out of bed!!!
I must say it is a rewarding feeling to have accomplished something that you work so hard for… I know that it was my fault but I am still proud. In most cases I say something and follow through I just didn’t do that with Gracee at bed time and it made me feel like I wasn’t doing my job. She has starting do better in a lot of different areas (still going through the terrible twos) but she knows who the bosses are. Now we are back on track and ready for the next little Willard to get here in June!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Our New Little Baby

We have been blessed with a boy, Jared is 4, and a girl, Gracee is 2o mo. So we will be happy with either ~ we just pray that whatever God gives us it is healthy.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Another Willard
I didn't have morning sickness with Gracee but this is way different I am having all day sickness… haven't actually thrown up but feel like I could at any minute. We aren't going to tell the kids until we find out if they are getting a brother or a sister.
I went to the health department to confirm the positive result and she said "the line turned positive before I put the urine on it. YOU ARE PREGNANT MRS. WILLARD" the same as when I found out with Gracee! She explained that I must have good hormones and be very healthy because most of the test she does aren't near that strong of a pink line that quickly!
I still feel shocked that we were so lucky to have gotten pregnant so quickly. Jessy comes from a BIG family and we have always said that to have 4 little people would be great. We both think that having the kids close with benefit everyone in the long run. He is hoping for a boy but my mom wants us to have twins! Please keep us in your prayers and feel free to send idea's for baby names!
Love you all,
Jessy and Kadee Willard
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Month 18
1. Gracee went potty like a big lady...She goes potty on her potty chair every morning! Still working on throughout the day random potty breaks aren't near as fun to her as first thing in the morning! But when she is on the potty she needs to have a book on her lap!
2. Gracee loves to brush her teeth... I MEAN LOVES IT! Every morning and every night the kids brush there teeth but Gracee likes to make it a 30 min event!
3. Gracee wants to big like Bub... Jared likes to teach Gracee what to do (good or bad) and she loves to follow. If he is dancing she is right there... if he is eating breakfast in the kitchen she is standing on his stool with him ready for a bite... if he has to go pee, right now on a tree, she stands back in amazement that he can.
4. Gracee loves to eat... at Grandma's house. When she is at home... well she thinks that she is boss and will not eat (unless it is something really good) so she goes hungry a lot. But at Grandma Kim's last week she at half of a cheese burger, all her sides and crackers. At Memaw Donna's she is always trying new things and Great-Grandma Bev has the best sweets in town!
5. Gracee throws some ugly fits... she wants it her way or no way. So a lot of the time its NO WAY. But she still tries, I think its frustration from not knowing how to talk but man she yells, points, makes the mean face, and if you try to pick her up she goes limp and flops her hands and legs. She has been in time-out many times this month!
6. Gracee has a schedule... wake up at 7, go pee, watch cartoons, eat breakfast, wait on Jared to get out of school, try to pee, play outside, eat lunch, try again, nap for about two hours, pee when we wake, then read a few books and go out in the shop with dad, play for a bit, then it is dinner, bath, and night-night at 9pm. REPEAT.
7. Gracee knows sign language... she can sign MORE and PLEASE... she knows NO and YES also.
8. Gracee knows what these animals say: fishy, bird, monkey, cat, dog, horse she has also added a few words to her vocabulary: ICE, WOW, DRINK, the list goes on.
It has been a lot of fun posting all the lessons Gracee has taught us since she got here but the road has ended... I know she will continue to teach us, just as Jared does, but this is the last Gracee monthly lesson. I will continue to update her baby book with all her firsts and big events. Thanks again for learning with us.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Month 17
1. Gracee has a big girl bed... we took her crib down and she now has a toddler bed. She really likes it. At nap time I say "time to take a nap go get in bed" and she runs to her room and gets in her bed like a big girl! It is adorable.
2. Gracee loves her brother too much... they play so well together one minute and then the next they are fighting over a toy (Grace likes her brothers toys more then her own). For the most part they are best friends. Jared really wanted Gracee to go to school with him on his first day!
3. Gracee smiles for the camera... she went through a stage where she saw the camera and ran (I have been taking pictures of this little girl since she came out!) and as soon as she could walk there was no more sitting still pics -- when we went to Branson Jared taught her how to stop and smile for the camera!
4. Gracee is a daddy's girl... it seems like each month she gets closer to her daddy. He has always been her favorite person but this month she is really upset when he leaves to go to work, super excited to see him race, and when he comes home she has her hands up ready for him to scoop her up and carry her out to the shop!
5. Gracee has a mullet... the back of her hair is growing so fast but the side and top are still way shorter... we put it up in pig tails but I must say it has turned into a mullet (she looks way better then Joe Dirt)
6. Gracee says moma a lot... usually everything is dada but lately she has been saying moma more often. I LOVE IT!
7. Gracee wants to talk BAD... she gets so frustrated when she wants something and we don't get it right away... Jared used to do the same thing, take your hand and walk you to whatever it is... but Gracee is a whiner, she tries to talk but when we don't understand she just yells.
8. Gracee likes to sit on the potty... but she isn't sure why she has to take off her diaper. Its so funny, every time some one goes to the bathroom she has to go too! Starting to get serious on potty training this month!
9. Gracee doesn't eat much... I guess that is what happens when you go from baby to toddler. She eats like a bird, a little here and a little there but nothing too big.
10. Gracee loves to run... its cute when I say "hurry hurry" she starts to run. Sometime she even puts her hands behind her like a cape on superman flapping in the wind. She is goofy... makes me laugh out loud just to picture it!
She laughs at her dad and brother all the time. She loves to watch cartoons, play with her babies, work on the race car with daddy and bub and brush her teeth. Oh and she LOVES shoes. I feel like I could on for days talking about all the new things Gracee is learning and teaching us... until next month.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Month 16
1. Gracee loves to climb... she has mastered climbing the stairs very well, or even a step or two then yelling because she wants to get down! My mom and dad have a television stand that is just her size to climb as if it were a stage (they have a 60 inch T.V. that is in the shop). Both of the kids climb up there and start shaking their butts!
2. Gracee just moved up to size 5 diapers... the four Huggies Snug and Dry fit we need to move to the next size... we are actually working on potty training (sorta) we brought Jared's potty chair down from storage and when we see her hunched down in the corner we know it is time to get her on the pot.
3. Gracee is still a great eater... she went through a time where she didn't eat much at all just a little here and a little there but its good stuff! She loves green beans and frozen peas! She is still a good chip eater and like crackers and all that stuff.
4. Grace understands... when I ask her something she knows what I am talking about! I just asked her where her fingernail clippers where and she started pinching her fingers... I have asked her to go and get her shoes before and she brings them to me or tries to put them on herself. Its just crazy how much she learns from watching her brother (both good and bad)
5. Gracee loves magnets... she can play with the magnets on the back of the front door forever. she just lines them up walks away then looks at them and takes them off the door and does it again.
6. Gracee is a reader... she has always liked books but each day she wants to get the books off the shelf and sit on your lap as you read them to her. She just learned how to put them back on the shelf and get a new book. We read all the time.
7. Gracee is growing fast... she is 32 inches tall and weighs 26lbs 4 oz! She isn't a baby anymore and she lets us know that often. Gracee doesn't really like to be held anymore she would rather walk like her big brother!
8. Gracee loves ICE... every time you have a drink with ice in it she yells and holds her hand out, as soon as you start to give her a piece she just laughs and gets so excited!
9. Gracee is a daddy's girl... when she hears the shop door open she stops whatever it is that she is doing and stands up and says "dada" then runs for the kitchen. She gets so frustrated cause she wants to talk so bad... she just yells and squeals trying to tell him all the fun stuff we did that day.
We have awesome kids and if I didn't take note throughout the month I wouldn't remember half of Gracee's new lessons. Our kids make me so proud - thanks again for learning with us.Sunday, July 20, 2008
Month 15
1. Gracee is BIG... no more 'baba' we decided to take it from her on her 14 month birthday, wasn't too hard, dad wanted to give in a few times in the night but I stayed tough and she never had a clue! She is now a sippy cup drinking pro~ Nuby is her favorite, and she sleeps through the night again, no bottle to go to bed so her diaper isn't near as full in the night! Next coming potty training!
2. Gracee loves strawberries... she really liked the dried fruits from Gerber, strawberry and banana, so we have had strawberry shortcake a few times for desert and I cut a few up one night and she LOVED them.
3. Gracee wants to be outside... all the time! Jared can't go out with out a buddy! She wants to be right by his side. A lot of the time that is fine for Jared but when she starts 'working' on stuff that he didn't want her to touch he is ready to send her back in the house!
4. Gracee is in a size 18-24... and she looks so cute in them! She is so tall ~ her upper body is long so she has been wearing 18 months since her first birthday, it's funny 'cause now when we shop for clothes its not in the baby section. A lot of the stuff is in the toddler isle. Oh and she wears size 5 shoes. Still in a size four Huggies Snug and Dry diaper.
5. Gracee is a good eater... we try to feed her whatever we are eating for lunch and dinner, for the most part she eats dry cereal, oatmeal, toast, or a waffle in the morning (eggs and bacon is a fave too) and we are trying to feed her less hot dogs and chicken nuggets (she loves dog-dogs) She just started wanting to feed herself (around the 13th) funny cause I still feed her Gerber #2's for her veggies and she really likes to be big and do those her self! Tons of new pics on
6. Everything round is a bracelet... toys, bub's toy tires, my hair bands, she is a princess and loves to be girly. Its funny cause one second we are playing with dolls and strollers then the next she is outside working with Jessy in the shop getting messy!
7. Gracee isn't really excited about bath time... this month she just likes to get in, get soapy (maybe eat a jar of food) and then get out.
8. Gracee loves rich chocolaty Ovaltine... so funny! My girl friend has turned us on to Ovaltine and now it's Jared and Gracee's favorite! They both love to drink a glass before they go to bed.
9. She can talk... she is the biggest copy-cat I have ever met. Grace even changes the tone of her voice. She has added a few new words to her vocabulary: uh-oh, that, look, thanks, dog-dog (doesn't get the g that well but it's dog-dog) and yep.
10. Gracee can also make the sound of animals: dog, fish, kitty-cat, and monkey. She knows where her eyes are, belly button, toungue, nose, and hair is...So cute!
She is growing up to be such a wonderful little girl; keeps us on our toes. How lucky we are to be blessed with such wonderful kids. Until next month...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Month 14
1. Gracee has more teeth... I know huh? A full mouth of teeth until those two year molars! She ran a fever for about a week so we went to the doctor (Jayden had strep throat) so we wanted to get Jared and Gracee's checked -- but the next day three teeth popped in! Then the 16th a few days later!
2. Gracee found her nose... she sticks her finger up her nose for no reason. It is really cute but Jared doesn't understand why sissy gets to pick her nose and he doesn't!
3. Gracee knows her body parts... you can ask her "where is your belly button?" and she lifts her shirt up and laughs, or "where are my eyes?" and she will point at your eye (watch out sometime she may try to poke them out!) She is still really good at the fishy noise too!
4. Gracee is running... she can't be outside without someone right by her side, she just darts for the street. Jared has no interest in crossing the street (unless someone he knows is going then he asks if he can go, holds hands and looks both ways) but Gracee she just likes to run, My dad and Jessy were working on the race car as they were watching her... and she was across the street by the stop sign the next time they looked up!
5. Gracee is getting harder to take pictures of... as you know I take tons of pictures of the kids, Jared doesn't like it so much but Gracee used to just sit and smile... now she runs if she doesn't want her picture taken.
6. Gracee likes to stand in the bath tub... she loves to take a bath, when I start the water to fill the tub she just starts giggling, I say "come on sis its tubby time." and she runs to the bath room... but she gets in throws all the toys out, even the wash cloth, and then splashes a bit and is ready to get soapy and jump out! Gracee goes to bed around 9:30pm
7. Gracee has been trying more table foods... she has a ton of teeth but still acts like some things choke her up, she makes the gagging sound and it freaks me out. She loves crunchy stuff but has tried chicken, sandwich meats, dried fruits, and we just found out she loves bananas (as long as you feed it to her while the skin is still on it -- you cant take it out and cut it into pieces or else she just throws it on the floor)
8. Gracee loves her bubba... Jared just started t-ball and sissy is his biggest fan, she squeals when she sees him on the field! She loves to be by him all the time, when he is coloring, playing in the shop, running from her... she just loves her bubba!
9. Gracee yells instead of talking... we are working on words rather then pointing and yelling. She still calls everything dada, she does say dog (daa) and mama (when she isn't happy) but for the most part I think this little one will be a talker very soon! She jabbers all the time and is the biggest copy-cat (I don't remember that with Jared and that boy is brilliant!)
Thanks again for learning with us. We love being parents and couldn't be more blessed with our two very perfect little people!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Month 13
1. NO BABA... yeah right! I planned on bottle breaking miss thing on her one year birthday, not working out... I'm a softy and when its time for the little princess to go 'night-night' she needs that stinkin thing... it would be different if she wasn't so picky about the food that goes in her mouth.
2. Gracee drinks from a big girl cup... she used to drink out of a sippy cup but she would rather have a straw from a big cup. Just water... not into juice or milk from a cup yet.
3. Gracee is still in size 4 Huggies... my big ol' lady is still wearing snug and dry size 4. We buy the big box from Sam's!
4. Teething when will it end? Gracee now has 12 teeth... she got her top molars (barley poking through) 4-19-08 and had a temp for almost two weeks, she didn't whine too much but the last two weeks she hasn't slept through the night and needs to be rocked to sleep... I think that they are just about done coming through and we can get back on a normal schedule.
5. Bootail loves to get into drawers... she likes getting all the pens out of daddy's desk and she really likes to get the paperclips and rubber bands out of mommy's desk. She just wants to help work!
6. Gracee likes to push buttons... she is the perfect height to push the buttons on the T.V. and she really enjoys herself... makes the volume go up then down and changes the channels.
7. Bootail likes to climb... up the steps, climb the couch, on top of her picnic table, she even climbs her brothers step stool and gets stuck (she doesn't know how to get down yet!)
8. Gracee is eating more table foods... she has tried and liked hot dogs, American cheese, toast, waffles with butter, bacon, chicken nuggets, eggs, pringles and crackers.
9. Gracee can walk... she took her first steps 4-22-08 (a year to the day we brought her home from the hospital) she was stiff legged for a while but now she learned that she could lean forward just a little and it makes her go fast!
10. Gracee isn't too sure about grass... Its so cute she will walk on the side walk just fine but as soon as you put her in the yard -- she is stuck! Well that was until today... now she can walk in grass (with shoes) but very very slowly!
Its great being a mommy of two perfect little people. I am so blessed to be with them 24/7 and see all the new stuff they are learning. My kids are good listeners and follow the directions (for the most part) & they are both so smart. Thanks for reading all of Gracee's new lessons.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Month 12
Jared has been mine since he was 18 months old. He has taught me so much too, if you think being a mom is hard... try being a step-mom! Life never gives you too much, and I am thankful for all the bad times just as I am of all the good times. I couldn't be more pleased with my son, he is so smart and understanding... I sometimes forget he will only be turning four, I expect so much out of him because of the things he says and does. He is a very good little boy and adjusts well with his situation. God gave him two sisters within months of each other and he went from only child (on both sides of his family) to big brother. I have the best kids!
Here are Gracee's 12 month lessons:
1. Gracee stands up in the middle of the room... doesn't have to hold on to anything, she goes for sitting up, to the squatting position, then all the way up standing like a big lady!
2. Gracee has her one year molars 3-27-08... she was eating lunch one day and I noticed she had something in the back of her mouth, I tried to get it out, thinking it may be paper and realized... those are teeth! I was so excited... she didn't really cry or anything, her nose was runny but I just assumed it was a head cold!
3. Gracee loves her 'baba'... we have been working on using a sippy cup during the day and only having a bottle at nap time and before bed, but I don't know that we will make that one year goal of no bottle after the birthday! Its alright, once she starts eating more solid food she wont want that bottle!
4. Gracee loves blocks... she has always played by herself very well, but when she gets the blocks out she can play forever! She still loves to play with all of her brother toys but sometimes he would rather her play with her "baby toys"
5. Gracee gives kisses... we have been working on blowing kisses for a while now... she waves bye-bye and smiles really big... sometimes she will say bye-bye and other times she will blow a kiss (if she don't decide to chew on her hand when it gets to her mouth)
6. Gracee doesn't do bows anymore... she doesn't really like anything on her head, hats, bows, ponytails... hehehehe she just likes her long locks to blow in the wind!
7. Gracee took 10 steps... I was soooo excited! Jessy had just stepped out so he missed it but how cool? I was there to see my baby girl walk across the room for the first time! 4-10-08 I love being a mommy!
8. Gracee goes to bed at 9:30 and is up by 5am! Its funny to think that she was such a sleepy baby when she was tiny and now she is up at 5am... she don't stay up long (cause mommy is still tired) I change her wet diaper and give her a 6oz bottle and she goes back to bed til 8ish. when bubba wakes up.
9. Gracee plays so well by herself. I love that she doesn't need me to be by her side all the time. When she gets sleepy she does get clingy and if I were to leave the room to get her bottle she may start to scream, but it is fake, and not all the time.
10. Gracee is a daddy's girl! She loves Jessy... she can be playing having a great time... and then Jessy walks in the room and whatever she has in her hands she drops it and 'turbo' crawls to her daddy... he swoops her up and they both laugh and are so happy!
11. Gracee loves to pick up her toys... it is so cute, her favorite thing to do while her brother is building with the blocks -- is take them and put them back in the container! She puts the cars and other toys in the toy box! It is soooo cute! When she eats in her high chair and she is done but still has food on her tray, she puts it in the cup older, to let me know she is done! She loves to be clean and organized!
All of her firsts are now her all the times... She is the best thing I have ever done! It's hard to believe that she is already one year old. Congrats to all of her accomplishments and remember to always take note but don't compare to other babies... everyone is different and everyone is special! My kids are at different ages and stages in their lives but have such a great bond. We are truly blessed. Thank you for reading and learning with us.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Baby steps...
First let me say that until you are a grandparent you won't really 'get' this...I remember when my best friend Debbie became a gramma and she'd tell me stories about Taylor. I'd listen and smile and think "wow that's nice Deb." Then it was that I'm a gramma I totally 'get it'. So, here's my story!
It's not unusual for my daughter, Kadee, to call me in the evening. We actually talk several times a day. For the past year and 9 months our conversation is often about a certain little princess. Prior to Gracee's birth, Kadee would call me when she felt nauseous, movement, emotional, had cravings, had a question or concern, or just needed to talk to her mom.
It's so hard to believe that a year has passed since Gracee was born. The time has gone by so quickly. Kadee has proven to be an outstanding mother. As much as I'd like to take credit for that I really don't feel that I can. (well maybe a little..) She is much more mature then I was at that age. Much more grounded and sure of herself. She has the ability to stop and think before freaking out over a high fever, snotty nose or a tumble off the bed. I'm sure she still freaks out on the inside but she never lets Gracee or Jared see that. She is always 'the mom'.
I love watching Kadee be a mom. Love just pours off of her. I've never known a happier mom and I've never known a happier baby. I'm not saying that because it's my daughter and granddaughter...other people see it and say the same thing. You don't have to be around them very long to see the bond that they share and I'm so lucky to be able to witness it on an almost daily basis.
It has made my bond with Kadee even stronger. I think that Gracee and I also have a very strong connection. I have to say that Gracee lights up when her gramma walks in the room. (I've been told that I light up too!) (Kadee will tell you that she lights up when anyone walks in the room but I like to think that it's all me!)
Kadee is also a wonderful step mom. Jared is one of the smartest 3 year olds I've ever known. He doesn't miss a thing. You have to be very careful what you do and say around him, because he will share it with the world. (just trust me on that!) If you didn't know it'd think that Kadee was his bio mom. Again there is a love that is so apparent to anyone who is around. It's hilarious to see Gracee and Jared interact. They are best friends. Gracee LOVES her big brother and Jared takes care of his little sissy with such pride. They have their own little language that only they understand.
I could go on and on about my wonderful daughter and her wonderful kids...but the reason I started this blog is to share a story.
My phone rang last night and it was Kadee. She had already called me twice to share 'cute' things that Gracee was doing. (And this was after I had stopped by to visit!!)
When I answered the phone this time I heard that Kadee was sobbing... I immediately felt panic shoot through my entire body...Then I heard the smile in her voice. In spite of her tears...she said, "Mom, Gracee just took 10 steps all by herself!!! She walked across the living room, she's growing up way too fast!"
I had to laugh out loud.... then my proud gramma instincts kicked in and I had to call Gracee's great gramma and tell her...then tell Jay and Kenny....If it hadn't been so late I may have called everyone I know! It was a wonderful feeling. I love to brag about my grandkids! I adore hearing the pride in her voice when Kadee talks about her kids. I can hardly wait to meet the next one....(no she's not pregnant!)
It's amazing to me how one little life can be such a joy and bring so much happiness to so many people. It is with great anticipation I look forward to the next year of her life. What are now baby steps will soon be "big girl" steps..Cuz our little girl is growing up...way too fast!
Gracee is turning ONE!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Month 11
1. Gracee got her ears pierced... she did so good, 2-23 Miss Gracee (all smiles) got some bling bling. Memaw Donna held her down while the two ladies with ear piercing guns got on either side of her... she had no idea... laughing a giggling then they did it. She whaled for a minute and then wanted her mommy.
2. Gracee has a hard head... Jared and Gracee were playing and there were three steps near by... she climbed them and then all I hear is screaming and my heart dropped I peaked around the corner and Miss Gracee was bright red and at the bottom of the steps, Jared looked at me with a very shocked look and said "I was watching her, she didn't fall down the stairs... hers rolled!"
3. Gracee was on fire...2-27 Gracee ran a temp of 103.5 under her arm (add a degree and that is 104.5!!!) We were panicking... I called the local doctors office and they said to give her motrin and tylenol altering every 6 hours (motrin lowered her temp with in an hour) then come in the following day at 12... found out she had a inner infection in her right ear... she took augmenting one time and was 90% better with in hours!
4. Gracee is still in size 4 diapers but we now like snug a dry... no more natural fit. She was peeing through her Huggies Natural Fit diapers by 4 in the morning each day. We decided to change the style of diaper and still stay with Huggies. Worked! Since she is more active and all over the place these diapers work great!
5. Gracee wears size 12 months clothes now... went through her onsies and had to put the 6-9 month stuff away. She is just too long. Its funny cause I cant find any 9-12 month it just goes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, then 12month and then 18!!! So we went to the big girl clothes. She doesn't look like a baby as much now with her two piece pj's and little dresses! I love it, I really do.
6. Seeing RED... Gracee got PINK EYE 3-13-08. It is no fun to be sick all the time, but the doctor said that "its that time of year" Gracee does well with the eye drops and doesn't mind getting her eyes wiped all the time, she is still laughing and smiling with those sad little hurt eyes, I think it is worse on us then her!
7. Gracee said BYE-BYE for the first time 3-15-08. It was so cute... she has been waving bye-bye forever, but when she waved and said it. We were so proud!
8. We lowered miss Bootail's bed...the rail was getting close to her chest so it seemed like if she wanted she could jump right out of the crib. We lowered her mattress to the lowest setting. I LOVE IT! I feel like she is safe again. No more worries about falling out of the bed!
9. Gracee is a big lady... she falls asleep (after her bath) around 9pm. I put her to bed with an 8 oz bottle and she is out until about 3am... when she wakes with an extremely wet diaper and an empty tummy. Change her then another 6oz bottle and the rocking chair until Bootail is back to sleep then she is out (in her bed) until 7:30ish. She was getting into our bed at 3am but mommy doesn't want a 4 year old Gracee wanting to sleep with her so we have been doing the rocking thing again and back to her own bed!
10. Gracee loves to talk on the phone... no matter what it is she puts it up to her ear and jabbers! TOO FUNNY! The camera, remote, her cell phone, the real phone... really is cute!
11. Bootail gives kisses... if you say "give me a kiss" she opens her mouth and leans toward your face. Its a wet one! Grace is so smart! :)
Gracee is growing up to be such a doll baby. I just love all the new stuff she does... she started this O face... she says "OOOOOO" like it is something serious. It is usually when I say "UH-OH" she is funny! She likes to crawl after her brother (really fast) and take his cars... hehehehehe
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Month 10
It’s so fun watching your child grow. They are born so tiny and fragile then in less then 10 months they are fearless… ready to get into anything, put everything into their mouth, and make as much noise as possible. Gracee is 10 months old and these are the lessons:
1.Miss Gracee started army crawling 2-1-08 then in less then a week was on all fours as slow as a turtle… now she is fast! I logged on the computer and then turned around and she was gone, it was quite and honestly my heart sank. I didn’t see her anywhere… in less then a minute she crawled from the living room, through the hallway and made it into the kitchen by the back door. She has really gotten quick in the past few weeks!!!
2.Gracee loves to chew on shoes… I really hate it but she seems to find the shoes no matter if they are put up or just laying by the door. Shoestrings are her favorite.
3.Gracee laughs all the time. She just giggles at her Memaw Donna. Daddy has the power too! When either one of them walk into the room, and don’t immediately pick her up, she starts to whale! It’s fake of course and they both give in and pick her up then she starts to laugh!!!
4.Baby Bootial waves bye-bye! It is so sweet… she smiles really big and waves you cant help but close the door and then open in again and say peek-a-boo, then bye-bye one more time!
5.Gracee goes to bed around 10 pm, she takes a bath in the tubby with her bubba at about 8 then drinks a 6oz bottle and plays ‘til she is flopping around and rubbing her face on you. Then it’s off to bed, she still likes to lay in our bed and drink another 4 oz bottle. She holds the bottle with her right hand and uses her left hand to grab across her face and ‘soph’ on the pillow on her right side. I put her in her bed around 11pm then she wakes up at 4ish with a full diaper… 4.5 oz bottle then back to sleep until 7am.
6.Gracee has her own language. Its sorta like this “gaga lagle daboo diddle ga mabma dadada”
7.Gracee loves the old cartoons. She will just sit in front of the TV and stare at it. She likes Tom and Jerry, Mickey Mouse, Flinstones, The Jetsons, etc.
8.Sissy (that is what we call her sometimes, that or Bootail) loves to play with her brother, she likes his monster trucks, Gracee can make them go! Bubba doesn’t always like it, ‘cause sometimes she takes his stuff, but for the most part they play well together!
9.Gracee still is eating Gerber #2’s, we try table foods but she really isn’t that interested, mash potatoes and mac-n-cheese just ended up on the floor, she did squash the green beans and figure out how to eat them right up but for the most part its just cheese curls, crackers, and gold fish (the snack)! She did eat a few french fries the other day with her bubba!
10.Gracee loves American Idol… she plays and crawls around while they are talking or during a commercial but just as soon as someone starts singing she stops what she is going and stares at the T.V. then starts to dance… it is the funniest thing. If it is a slow song she rocks real slow but if it is fast she bucks her entire body and makes her head bang all around (of course I have this on tape!!!)
11.Gracee likes to crawl, then pull herself up, look around and let go for up to 20 secs now… she started this on my birthday (2-13-08). She is such a big lady… hard to believe that in 2 months my little baby will be ONE!
I could go on and on… she is so fun and learning new stuff all the time! Gracee still only has 8 teeth and is starting to get more hair on the top of her head (right now she has a ton on the sides and in the back) We are so lucky to have such a sweet little girl. She is too smart for words to explain – such a little copycat! She is always watching and learning, as all kids are. 10 months flew by so quickly, once you become a mama life is too special, thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers… and reading about Gracee’s life lessons.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Month 9
1. Still not interested in crawling... she lays on her belly and flaps her arms and kicks her feet as hard as she can as she yells (like it will make her get there faster) it really is funny. She sticks her butt in the air and laughs, when she does get up its just to do a few push ups then she is done!
2. Moved up to size 4 diapers... the size 3 still fit but they wouldn't hold all of her pee!
3. Miss Gracee drinks more formula then she eats food... we went to the doctor because Gracee had a runny nose for over a week and I was getting concerned... he said that she really should be getting her vitamins from formula rather then food. So we only feed her one thing of Gerber #2 fruits at lunch with a four oz bottle and then a #2 veggie at dinner... then off to bed with a 6-8oz bottle.
4. Gracee wakes up at 4am every morning. I'm not sure if its because she is hungry or hates having on a wet diaper... that bad boy is soaked every morning at 4 on the dot. I change her (she still has her eyes closed) and then feed her a 4 oz bottle, she falls right back to sleep and then she gets back in her bed until about 8am.
5. Gracee doesn't like to be rocked to sleep anymore. She really likes laying in mommy and daddy's bed with her head in between our pillows. She drinks her "baba" and sophs on my pillow case, NO BURPS after a 6-8 oz bottle. Then about an hour later I go back in and pick her up -- get a few burps out and put her in her own bed for the rest of the night!
6. Gracee loves to be out in the shop with her daddy. She is going to be a tom girl I can tell already. She loves to watch her "bubba" and "dada" work on the race car... she just sits in her stroller and stares at them, I went out there the other night to see how everything was and she was cracking up at her brother... he was showing her how to revit the side of the race car.
7.Gracee says "mama" - she said it for the first time 12-31-07 and I was sooo excited she only said it once that day but after the new year she has gotten pretty good at it. Its more like maaaaama. I JUST LOVE IT.
8. Poor little Gracee had RSV... no fun at all! Gracee had to do breathing treatments every 2 hours and she ran a fever that got up to 103! It was scary for all of us! She is better now but her nose is still a bit runny! She even lost a pound cause she wouldn't eat!
9. Gracee learned that if you yell someone will come and help! Jared is right there every time Gracee shouts out... he will pick her up and move her or give her a toy. Daddy comes as soon as she yells too! Makes it hard for mama sometimes cause she thinks that everyone should be there as soon as she yells!
10. Gracee is getting more teeth! Im not sure if its on top of bottom but she is teething... she wants to chew on everything. When I try to look and see where it hurts she bites me (remember she already has 8 teeth!) We started putting Orajel on her 'binky' and she will chew on it til the medicine is gone and then she is fine. We also give her Tylenol every once in a while!
11.Miss Gracee weighs 19lbs 10oz... She is 29 1/4 long!!!I know it seems weird that I take her to the health department each month but I have to fill the baby book out right you know. This month we went to the "9 month shots" appointment and Grace did great!
12. Gracee loves to touch your face when you hold her. She honks your nose and laughs when you make the 'honk' noise... she is sooo FUN!!
Tons more to share but I just don't have enough time! She is such a blessing and I just cant believe we have nine months under our belt. Congrats to us! Until next month!