Sunday, July 20, 2008

Month 15

All you hear when she is walking through the hall to the kitchen is her little feet slapping on the tile... a sweet sound, makes me smile every time. She is so smart and keeps teaching us each month... 15 months lessons:

1. Gracee is BIG... no more 'baba' we decided to take it from her on her 14 month birthday, wasn't too hard, dad wanted to give in a few times in the night but I stayed tough and she never had a clue! She is now a sippy cup drinking pro~ Nuby is her favorite, and she sleeps through the night again, no bottle to go to bed so her diaper isn't near as full in the night! Next coming potty training!

2. Gracee loves strawberries... she really liked the dried fruits from Gerber, strawberry and banana, so we have had strawberry shortcake a few times for desert and I cut a few up one night and she LOVED them.

3. Gracee wants to be outside... all the time! Jared can't go out with out a buddy! She wants to be right by his side. A lot of the time that is fine for Jared but when she starts 'working' on stuff that he didn't want her to touch he is ready to send her back in the house!

4. Gracee is in a size 18-24... and she looks so cute in them! She is so tall ~ her upper body is long so she has been wearing 18 months since her first birthday, it's funny 'cause now when we shop for clothes its not in the baby section. A lot of the stuff is in the toddler isle. Oh and she wears size 5 shoes. Still in a size four Huggies Snug and Dry diaper.

5. Gracee is a good eater... we try to feed her whatever we are eating for lunch and dinner, for the most part she eats dry cereal, oatmeal, toast, or a waffle in the morning (eggs and bacon is a fave too) and we are trying to feed her less hot dogs and chicken nuggets (she loves dog-dogs) She just started wanting to feed herself (around the 13th) funny cause I still feed her Gerber #2's for her veggies and she really likes to be big and do those her self! Tons of new pics on

6. Everything round is a bracelet... toys, bub's toy tires, my hair bands, she is a princess and loves to be girly. Its funny cause one second we are playing with dolls and strollers then the next she is outside working with Jessy in the shop getting messy!

7. Gracee isn't really excited about bath time... this month she just likes to get in, get soapy (maybe eat a jar of food) and then get out.

8. Gracee loves rich chocolaty Ovaltine... so funny! My girl friend has turned us on to Ovaltine and now it's Jared and Gracee's favorite! They both love to drink a glass before they go to bed.

9. She can talk... she is the biggest copy-cat I have ever met. Grace even changes the tone of her voice. She has added a few new words to her vocabulary: uh-oh, that, look, thanks, dog-dog (doesn't get the g that well but it's dog-dog) and yep.

10. Gracee can also make the sound of animals: dog, fish, kitty-cat, and monkey. She knows where her eyes are, belly button, toungue, nose, and hair is...So cute!

She is growing up to be such a wonderful little girl; keeps us on our toes. How lucky we are to be blessed with such wonderful kids. Until next month...