Thursday, March 20, 2008

Month 11

I fall more and more and more in love with this little girl everyday, God has blessed us in so many ways I just can't imagine what he has planned for me next! Gracee Mae is 11 months old and I can not believe how quickly it happened... I can honestly close my eyes and remember the first time we met. She is such a wonderful addition to our family, Grace has the best personality and couldn't help make our family more complete. This months lessons:

1. Gracee got her ears pierced... she did so good, 2-23 Miss Gracee (all smiles) got some bling bling. Memaw Donna held her down while the two ladies with ear piercing guns got on either side of her... she had no idea... laughing a giggling then they did it. She whaled for a minute and then wanted her mommy.

2. Gracee has a hard head... Jared and Gracee were playing and there were three steps near by... she climbed them and then all I hear is screaming and my heart dropped I peaked around the corner and Miss Gracee was bright red and at the bottom of the steps, Jared looked at me with a very shocked look and said "I was watching her, she didn't fall down the stairs... hers rolled!"

3. Gracee was on fire...2-27 Gracee ran a temp of 103.5 under her arm (add a degree and that is 104.5!!!) We were panicking... I called the local doctors office and they said to give her motrin and tylenol altering every 6 hours (motrin lowered her temp with in an hour) then come in the following day at 12... found out she had a inner infection in her right ear... she took augmenting one time and was 90% better with in hours!

4. Gracee is still in size 4 diapers but we now like snug a dry... no more natural fit. She was peeing through her Huggies Natural Fit diapers by 4 in the morning each day. We decided to change the style of diaper and still stay with Huggies. Worked! Since she is more active and all over the place these diapers work great!

5. Gracee wears size 12 months clothes now... went through her onsies and had to put the 6-9 month stuff away. She is just too long. Its funny cause I cant find any 9-12 month it just goes 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, then 12month and then 18!!! So we went to the big girl clothes. She doesn't look like a baby as much now with her two piece pj's and little dresses! I love it, I really do.

6. Seeing RED... Gracee got PINK EYE 3-13-08. It is no fun to be sick all the time, but the doctor said that "its that time of year" Gracee does well with the eye drops and doesn't mind getting her eyes wiped all the time, she is still laughing and smiling with those sad little hurt eyes, I think it is worse on us then her!

7. Gracee said BYE-BYE for the first time 3-15-08. It was so cute... she has been waving bye-bye forever, but when she waved and said it. We were so proud!

8. We lowered miss Bootail's bed...the rail was getting close to her chest so it seemed like if she wanted she could jump right out of the crib. We lowered her mattress to the lowest setting. I LOVE IT! I feel like she is safe again. No more worries about falling out of the bed!

9. Gracee is a big lady... she falls asleep (after her bath) around 9pm. I put her to bed with an 8 oz bottle and she is out until about 3am... when she wakes with an extremely wet diaper and an empty tummy. Change her then another 6oz bottle and the rocking chair until Bootail is back to sleep then she is out (in her bed) until 7:30ish. She was getting into our bed at 3am but mommy doesn't want a 4 year old Gracee wanting to sleep with her so we have been doing the rocking thing again and back to her own bed!

10. Gracee loves to talk on the phone... no matter what it is she puts it up to her ear and jabbers! TOO FUNNY! The camera, remote, her cell phone, the real phone... really is cute!

11. Bootail gives kisses... if you say "give me a kiss" she opens her mouth and leans toward your face. Its a wet one! Grace is so smart! :)

Gracee is growing up to be such a doll baby. I just love all the new stuff she does... she started this O face... she says "OOOOOO" like it is something serious. It is usually when I say "UH-OH" she is funny! She likes to crawl after her brother (really fast) and take his cars... hehehehehe