Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Alison's Lessons - Month 12

Alison’s 12 month lessons: has it really been a year since I met this sweet little baby? Each day goes by and next thing we know its time to celebrate a birthday… Ali is so unique from that beautiful hair to her sweet personality ~ we are truly blessed and always learning.

Ali is pulling up on everything… we lowered her bed at the beginning of the month because Jessy was afraid she could jump out of it.

Ali is still working on those one year molars… seems like she has been teething since she was three months old. She currently has nine teeth but the other three are going to be pooping up in no time.

Ali is still in size three Huggies… we really like little movers. Since she is a speedy crawler now its nice not to have to worry about leaks.

Ali tasted whole milk for the first time June 2nd and didn’t seem to notice the difference between it and formula. As the week went on I noticed that her little eyes were crusty and matted shut when she woke in the morning and at nap time… we started her back on formula and no more crust? Wonder if she is allergic to cows milk??

Ali loves to play in the sandbox with her bubby and sister… the other day she climbed right in to the middle of the pile of sand and let the big kids cover her legs. She just laughed and laughed.

Ali drank from a straw for the first time June 12th ~ she was loving that root beer float.

Ali loves to pull all of the books off of the book shelf and read them. She actually goes through the books and opens them up… looking at the pictures I guess… then points at the letters on the page and babbles.

Ali loves to look at herself in the mirror… when she sees her reflection she says “HI” it is super cute. Ali also says “UP” and “UH-OH” very well now.

Alison fell off of our bed and was rushed to the chiropractor… I think it was more traumatic for me but I felt so horrible not being able to fix it. She was yelling and not kicking her feet – it made me feel so crazy. She is fine… the Dr. assured me that babies are much more flexible then adults and her recovery time would be instant.

Ali eats just about everything… and if she doesn’t like it she spits it out. Gracee’s favorite thing is to feed ‘her’ baby she is always sharing with Ali. I still try to give her baby food sometimes hoping that she is getting the nutrients she needs. Oh and she holds her own bottle now J

Ali still stays with me during the day ~ Jared goes to his mom on Tuesday’s and then he stays home with me the rest of the week. Gracee is still going to daycare Tue-Thur. {she loves it} so it is a wonderful blessing to still spend one on one time with my tiny baby everyday.

Ali has yet to sleep through the night on a regular basis. She is usually up around 3-4 and wants to drink a 6 oz bottle and needs a fresh diaper… a few nights this month I gave her Tylenol before bed {teething} and she slept til the am.

How lucky are we? I mean really… God is good and we are so thankful for our many blessings. Alison is one sweet baby and growing up to be quiet a little princess... she throws fits already and stomps her right foot ~ yells just to be heard and knows how to get her daddy to pick her up every time.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Month 11

Ali Jean is 11 months old… and we are planning a birthday! Where did the time go? I can remember the first time I met miss Alison. She was perfect, all I prayed for… always teaching me new things ~ each kid is different, they are similar but different at the same time. Ali’s 11 month lessons:

Alison lays on her belly and pushes herself up into the sitting position (5-10-10) she claps when she is happy and waves bye-bye when she wants to! Ali started crawling 5-19-10 she was a slow poke but now she is getting pretty fast.

Ali goes to bed around 8pm with an 8 oz bottle (that I hold for her as she is rocked) and she will wake up again around 2am yell out, get her diaper changed then a 6oz bottle – rocked to sleep again and will wake around 7am. (Ali slept a few nights this month all night long.)

Alison has a fake cry that anyone can detect… she yells and says iiiiyyyiiii its really sorta funny when you think about it but sometimes it’s a bit much.

I thought that Ali was teething but no more action… she sometimes drools more then usual, she bites things, and then she will go a few days and be fine.

Ali is a spoon biter… she thinks it is so funny to bite the spoon after she eats whatever it is she is eating.

My little Indian has figured out how to make noise using her hand and her mouth – very well… she says aaaahhhhh and then pats herself in the mouth like you would think Indians would do.

When you try to get Ali to walk she holds on to each of your hands and then walks slowly on her tip toes. We just moved the walker and the jumper to the tallest level > she is going to be walking in NO TIME!

Being able to watch your children grow and learn each day has been such a gift. Life is good and we are so blessed to enjoy this time with our little ones ~ it goes by too fast. Thank you for reading and learning with us… ONE YEAR lessons coming soon!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Month 10

My big blue eyed, huge dimples, eight teeth smiling little baby is just as sweet as the day I met her. She is learning and picking up on all the new things she sees and hears. Alison is growing up so very quickly… these are month 10 lessons:

Alison is still in size 3 Huggies (little movers) she weighs 20lbs 6oz

Ali can get what she wants even if it is across the room… she wont crawl she scoots… sitting on her butt both legs bent behind her (sorta like a frog) and you would think she would just stand right up… but no she scoots.

Alison can find YOUR nose… you say “Baby Ali where is mommy’s nose” and she grabs it. So cute… when you ask her where is Ali’s nose she still grabs for yours.

Alison dances when you sing ABC… its more like a rocking motion but it is super cute.

Ali has some fuzzy hair and it just grows straight up. Even random people on the street stop to tell us how cute Baby Ali is… then they ask to touch her hair.

Ali eats gerber #2 she likes green beens, sweet potatoes, squash, apples, and pears

Ali is still a thumb sucker, she sucks her thumb when she is tired and sticks her other thumb in her ear. Really really cute.

Ali loves her walker, she can go everywhere… and when she gets stuck she backs up and turns her self around.

I feel like I could go on for days… Alison is a daddy’girl and really loves her bubby too. When either of them walk in the room she starts to squeal. Always learning and excited to see what God will teach us next. She is growing up too fast but what to do but slow down and enjoy it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Month 9 - Ali Jean

Its strange to think that in three months my tiny baby is going to be one. I have tried to keep track of all the wonderful things she is learning and believe you me I have taken TONS of pictures of this little one. She is gorgeous and brilliant and has a lot to look forward to, but I just want it all to slow down. Nine month lessons: weighing in at 19lbs 10oz

Alison can talk… she says: dada, heya, baba, aaaaa, mama, mum, all sorts of good stuff.

Ali likes to jump… whether she is in your lap, in her saucer, in the jump-a-roo, or in her walker… she is jumping!

Alison goes to bed with the big kids, no more half hour nap before bed time. Everyone is asleep by 9 and then Ali usually wakes up around 2 for a 6 oz bottle and her diaper change, then back to sleep until mommy wakes everyone up at 7am.

Ali is still eating like a champ. She has 8 big ol’ teeth and she isn’t afraid to use them. Not at all like her sister in this area she has figured out that the texture of food isn’t scary… she still eats baby food three times a day but at dinner right before bath time she gets to eat something messy – biter biscuit or cheetos.

Alison loves herself. She smiles so big and slaps at the mirror with excitement every time she sees her reflection.

Ali does push ups… and pushes herself up on all fours then slides backwards ~ super cute!

Ali can walk… well in her walker. Grandma Kim brought the baby walker over at the beginning of the month and Ali is now a pro, she runs all over the place just like the big kids.

Ali is still a thumb sucker… she has a callus on her right thumb that I don’t think is going away for a while.

We went to the doctor yesterday because miss Alison had been running a fever of 101+ for going on day three and instead of getting the attention I thought she would get for her snot and head congestion they were WOWED by her hair. Concerned that she may have a thyroid problem they had to do a blood test ~ needless to say the test came back and she is perfect. Thanks again for reading our lessons.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

month 8

It’s funny how much the girls are alike at each lesson… I just went back and read over Gracee’s eight month lessons and it’s like they are twins! One big difference is Alison is getting a ton of hair… and it fuzzy. All of our little ones are growing up too quickly. Eight month lessons already:

Alison scoots… just like her sister she can reach what she wants by wiggling over to it. Scooting on her butt and getting the toy is pretty smart but makes we wonder if she will ever try to crawl.

Alison loves her feet… they twist and turn when she is excited or thinking about doing something. When I am changing her diaper and she can reach them… she gets too excited.

Ali has seven teeth but is working on number eight. She doesn’t seem to be in as much pain with this last one either.

Alison loves to get two objects and bang them together… she laughs at herself every time. Blocks are one of her favorites.

Ali is still in a size three Huggies diapers and does not like to have a mess in her pants, even too much pee is hard to handle sometimes! She is such a little princess… hard to believe that in ten months we will be working on potty training.

Alison loves her bubby… every time she sees he she laughs out loud. It is the cutest thing and he loves it too.

Ali ate green beans the other day with the rest of the family… not pureed but actual green beans… and loved them! I gave her a banana too. Her big people foods are still cheetos, cheri-o’s and whales (like go-fish) and Gracee loves to feed them to her.

Alison shakes her head like Stevi Wonder and it is funny… she smiles so big and laughs.

Ali makes this squeaking noise when she is pooping… as she grunts its like she breaths in at the same time… its hard to explain but when she is constipated you know whats up.

My sweetheart is getting older and growing up to be such a cutie pie. From her laugh to her smile she can make you melt. We continue to take note of the big things but also know that each day something new will happen and our kids will hopefully learn as they teach us. Until next time!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Month 7

Our littlest princess is seven months old, and growing up so fast, she already weighs 18lbs 12oz and is learning more and more each day. Jared and Gracee are such great siblings and love playing with baby Ali. Seven month lessons:

Alison knows her values… she has been saying aaaaaaaaaaaa for a long time she just added a few continents she now says baaabaaaabaa (and Jared thinks she is saying bubby) as well as daaaadaadaaa (calling out for her daddy)

Ali loves to take a bath, she loves to splash in the warm water right after her morning breakfast and bitter biscuit (she gets very messy)

Alison now has five teeth… she is stilling working on getting the sixth one and drooling like a pro but in one week the top three popped in!

Alison now drinks only formula… Simlac Advanced (with the blue lid) its been a bit of change for everyone, she wasn’t used to taking a bottle so we are now working on her holding it herself. For the most part she is doing well – still gets constipated, I’m thinking from all the iron in the formula but as she gets older and eats more food her poo is changing too.

Ali likes to watch T.V. in her bubby’s room… at night after bath time the kids get to watch one show in Jared’s room before we read a book and call it a night, just recently Alison has been sitting in bed with the BIG kids and they all love it!

Alison just at Chicken and veggies for the first time yesterday (1-20-10) I mixed a little with some rice cereal and at first she wasn’t too sure of it, but ended up eating almost half of the jar. She likes apple sauce much more then bananas and could eat only Squash if I would let her… she is a very good eater!

Ali can sit up in the middle of the room with no support she actually has been for a couple weeks. During tummy time she gets up on all fours and can push herself backwards (she has only done that a handful of times). She claps all the time now too!

As you get older time flies and it is my new years resolution to take a minute and enjoy it… the house doesn’t have to be spotless and the kids will get in fights so I am trying to be alittle more laid back about the way things go here… Its crazy to think that Jared is going to be six in July and Gracee will be three in April. Alison is already half way to her first birthday, we are truly blessed and thankful each day for what God continues to give us.