Monday, June 29, 2009

Alison's One Week Lessons

Life teaches us lessons every day – we can either pay attention to them, take note and learn or let it pass us by. I take note and try to learn, these are the lessons that Alison is teaching me. Every pregnancy is different and every baby is different… my girls are pretty similar but both very special in their own way. With these lessons I plan to make a book and give to Ali when she has her first baby.

At her one week check up Miss Alison weighed 9lbs 3oz and is 21.5 inches tall… her head is 14.5 inches around.

Alison poops every single diaper change… just like her sister. I wonder if it is just because they were both nursed – or if it is just me? Without thinking I ate a sandwich with hot pepper jack cheese, now Alison is paying for it. Her little butt is so red and sore.

Alison sleeps all the time. She wakes up to eat and get her diaper changed then once she has burped and her belly is full she goes right back to sleep. She stayed awake for almost an hour on her one week b-day.

Nursing HURTS! No matter if you have done it before or not. You will never forget the feeling – and getting up in the middle of the night just to pump… because the baby isn’t ready to nurse gets old fast too. I am ready to get my boobs on a schedule. I already have over 30oz in the freezer on Saturday.

Daddy loves to snuggle with Ali, she is so soft… got to love that peach fuzz. I remember when Jessy told me that Gracee had to sleep in her own bed, five days old and dad has someone tiny sleeping in his arm pit.

Baby Ali is special to all of us – Jared loves to ‘baby-sit’ Gracee loves to gives kisses and mommy can’t stop staring at her. We are so blessed and hope you read our lessons and learn with us… or remember fun things about your baby.

1 comment:

Kadee Willard said...

I took her to the health dept today and they said she weighed 8lbs 15oz and is 21 inches long. LOL either way she is healthy and beautiful! Oh and I lost 23lbs since giving birth - ROCK ON ME! :)