Monday, August 17, 2009

Alison's Lessons - Week 8

Another week has flown by and my little tiny baby is getting bigger and bigger. Eight weeks old she has a two month check-up and shots next Tuesday.

Alison holds her head up like most three month olds. She looks around the room and follows your every move.

Alison is a mommy’s girl…don’t get me wrong she loves daddy too, but mommy is the key to a full belly and clean diaper every time. Plus I think she likes me almost as much as I like her.

Ali goes to bed at 9:30 and has been getting up around 6am every morning, it is nice to feel like I get more rest, even though my bedtime is closer to mid-night, Alison is still sleeping most of the day away but when she is up she is doing the WIGGLE.

Alison still favors her right side, when she sleeps or just laying on the ground looking around – it is always to the right, she went to the chiropractor for the second time today; just to try to help her out. We don’t want her head to be misshaped.

I can’t get enough pictures of this beautiful little girl; my favorite game is trying to get the perfect picture of that gorgeous smile, and the new expressions she is full of.

Jared and Gracee both love Alison so much, before they go to bed I have to bring Ali into each of their rooms at night and let them give her a hug and a kiss, they both tell her they love her and they will see her in the morning. J

Our sweet little angel is growing up so fast, everyone says “WOW she is getting so big” I guess we just make healthy sleeping baby girls! We all love our princess so much! Next week there will be more lessons and tons of fun.

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