Monday, July 27, 2009

Alison's Lessons - Week 5

It still amazes me how slow the last few weeks of the pregnancy seemed… waiting to finally meet Alison and now its just flying by, we love every minute but if we don’t take the time to sit back and enjoy it we will all be old. That is one of the best things right now – not only having a five year old, two year old, and a little baby… but to be able to act one with them. My kids make my world go-round. Our tiny baby is already 5 weeks old – and she is growing up way too quick.

I swear she smiles at you… its like she already knows when and what is funny. The kids love to talk to her, and if she is awake she just stares back at them and smiles!

Luvs size one are way smaller then Huggies. I am still a big Huggies fan but since someone gave us Luvs I can’t be picky! They are more like a half size going from 8lbs to 14lbs and Huggies size one start with 14lbs… any who they fit and we use them.

Megan brought back our cradle swing this week (Madylon is too big for a swing… heck she is already trying to walk) Alison loves the swing… it lights up and makes sounds. The big kids really like to push the swing – a big no no. But at night when Alison wants to stay awake for a half hour or so she gets and the swing and next thing I know she is out!

Alison still sleeps A LOT. We get to see her eyes for about an hour early morning and then she naps from 10-1 and eats again. Everyone takes a nap until three and then we may see Alison’s eyes again for another hour… or not. Eats, sleeps, poops, and then repeats.

For a few nights Alison only wanted me instead of eating a bottle, not good for me at night. Plus if she needs to stay the night anywhere… it will be a nightmare for them. I am still trying to get my boobs regulated and not have to pump if she decides not to wake up.

Since it is summer time it seems like it difficult for Ali to keep her baby smell. She is always clean (I might change her too much) and with all of the kisses she gets she just doesn’t have that Johnson and Johnson baby smell all day long.

I am guilty of putting Alison in the clothes that are more comfy then cute. I mean she is a doll baby but if I like the softness or fit of an outfit and its on the top in her dresser then I usually put that on her.

One more week of fun coming your way – thanks for reading our lessons.

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